3M™ Sun Control Window Film Ceramic Architectural Series

3M™ Sun Control Window Film Ceramic Architectural series is a product that provides a competitive total solar energy rejection performance and low interior and exterior reflectivity, which result in the reduction of energy use, increased occupants comfort and natural views.

  • High visible light transmission provides excellent aesthetics
  • Low interior and exterior reflectivity enhances views while maintaining exterior appearance and helps reduce glare and discomfort.
  • Helps reduce air conditioning costs. Providing energy savings and enhanced comfort

Resources to download:

Tech Data Sheets:
Ceramic Architectural 80
Ceramic Architectural 60
Ceramic Architectural 45
Ceramic Architectural 35
Family Card
Sales Territory Disclosure

3M™ Sun Control and Safety & Security Window Films are available for both commercial and residential purposes in our southern U.S. territory including Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, as well as Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


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