3M™ Impact Protection Adhesive

  • System attaches the filmed window to the window frame, creating a robust shield that significantly outperforms window film-only systems
  • Window film and attachment system offers the highest level of protection
  • Provides assurance against impact energy from earthquakes and forced entry events - with enough strength to handle even bomb blasts
  • Available in case of 16

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_IPA Brochure (PDF)

Sales Territory Disclosure

3M™ Sun Control and Safety & Security Window Films are available for both commercial and residential purposes in our southern U.S. territory including Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, as well as Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


3M™ Impact Protection System Adhesive

The 3M Impact Protection System Adhesive is a specialized bonding agent designed to enhance the performance of window films used for security and safety purposes. This adhesive works by firmly attaching window films to glass surfaces, helping to hold shattered glass in place during breakage.

blue arrow icon Offers the highest level of protection
blue arrow icon Available in a case of 16

Safety & Security Film Resources to Download


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