3M Residential Window Films

large living room windows in a modern home

Improve Style, Comfort, and Security for Your Family at Home


Live Comfortably in Every Room of Your Home

  • Residential living rom, white couch with black pillows near windows

    Lower Heat & Improve Comfort

    Lower high energy costs associated with heating and cooling a home by installing 3M™ Sun Control Window Films. These films are scientifically designed to block heat, reduce glare, help prevent fading furniture and flooring and improve comfort.
  • Modern house with pool in the evening, outdoor lights displayed

    Prevent Property Damage

    3M™ Safety & Security Window Films are scientifically proven to hold broken glass shards together after impact, helping to prevent people and property from being injured.
  • Modern bathroom with shower and frosted shower glass white

    Add Style to Your Space

    Get a new interior or exterior look with 3M™ Architectural and Glass Finishes. These design films are ideal for remodeling. Cover tables, counters, shelves or walls with 3M’s architectural finishes. 3M’s glass finishes give the look of frosted, etched or sandblasted glass for privacy at a fraction of the cost of replacement.

Private Residence — Sausalito, California

Featured Case Study

Blending gracefully into a hillside overlooking San Francisco Bay, a residence designed by award-winning architect Obie G. Bowman gave a Sausalito homeowner everything he had hoped for—an open, light-filled interior with an expansive view of the bay, Tiburon, Mount Diablo, Angel Island and the San Francisco skyline. But the window views came with something the homeowner hadn’t anticipated—excessive heat build-up...

home living room with sunlight coming through windows

Are you a dealer looking to purchase film for your next project?

Let our experts help you determine the best film for your project

Call to order: 941-922-5268

Inquiry for Residential Window Film

white car driving down a hill at sunset

Get the same comfort, protection and privacy benefits on the road.

Auto Window Tint

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