Bird Divert Window Film

Introducing the 12-inch Bird Divert roll is the perfect answer to bird collision prevention for homes and businesses alike! This wider roll is crafted to cover expansive windows and glass areas, improving visibility for birds and greatly decreasing the chances of accidents.

Suitable for both residential properties and commercial establishments, the 12-inch Bird Divert roll combines versatility and efficiency in safeguarding our feathered friends. Whether you're a homeowner aiming to create a bird-friendly environment or a business owner dedicated to bird protection, this product is designed to fulfill your requirements.

Divulgación del territorio de ventas

3M™ Sun Control and Safety & Security Window Films are available for both commercial and residential purposes in our southern U.S. territory including Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, as well as Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


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