Scotchgard™ Película protectora de pintura Pro Series 200 Gloss

  • Scotchgard™ Paint Protection Film Pro Series 200 es la película protectora de pintura más nueva diseñada para proteger la pintura del vehículo contra astillas de rocas, rayones y los elementos.
  • Alto brillo, excelente claridad y superficie superior lisa con características hidrófobas para un fácil mantenimiento
  • Disponible en película de 72” de ancho para una instalación perfecta en áreas de paneles más grandes, como cobertura total del capó.
  • Adhesivo optimizado para reposicionamiento, minimizando líneas de elevación y marcas de adhesivo.
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Preguntas frecuentes

Please follow the 3M™ Paint Protection Film Installation Guidelines. Scotchgard™ PPF Pro Series 200, 3M™ PPF Series 150 and 3M™ PPF Series 100 have a firmer adhesive which allows for more working time and decrease installation related defects. The optimized adhesive also helps to minimize lift lines, improve repositioning and reduce adhesive marks.

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Yes. Scotchgard™ PPF Pro Series, Scotchgard™ PPF Pro Series 200, 3M™ PPF Series 150 and 3M™ PPF Series 100 are all self-healing PPF
films. Lightly scratch the film surface with a copper brush, then apply heat to remove scratches or marks. You can also use hot water or a heat gun.

Environmental and vehicle application temperatures of 60°F to 85°F (16°C to 30°C) can be used. However, 3M recommends 70°F to 79° (21°C to 26°C) as the optimal application temperature.

Scotchgard™ PPF Pro Series 200, 3M™ PPF Series 150 and 3M™ PPF Series 100 have an optimized and firmer adhesive that allows for
more working time and repositioning during installation. The optimized adhesive also helps to minimize lift lines and adhesive marks.

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Utilice este texto para proporcionar información detallada como tamaño, envío, ingredientes o para responder preguntas frecuentes.

It is recommended to not stretch the paint protection film more than 15%. Overstretching the film can cause adhesive marking when
applying to complex areas.

Yes, depending on your location, 3M™ PPFs have cap sheet and no cap sheet options. The cap sheet helps protect the PPF until you’re
ready to use it. Watch the 3M PPF Easy Cap Sheet Removal video.

Follow the paint supplier’s recommendations. Most installers wait at least 30 days to minimize risk.

It refers to a paint protection film with hydrophobic qualities – water beading action on the surface of the film. Watch the Scotchgard™ PPF
Pro Series 200 Product Benefit video
for an example of the features of a low surface energy coating.

3M™ Knifeless™ Tape Precision Line is the recommended for PPF use. Installers should test and approve the tape before using in bulk.

It is recommended to hold the top of the core with one hand and firmly pull any slack out of the PPF roll. Then tape from the center out to
the edges while keeping the roll tight. Watch the 3M PPF Handling and Storage video.


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