Modern house, with pool and car views

Discover a World Of Transformative Possibilities


Every Space Has The Potential To Be Extraordinary

As a leading distributor of window and architectural films for commercial, residential and automotive applications, we are dedicated to bringing innovation, style, and functionality to your doorstep. Our team of knowledgeable experts are here to guide you every step of the way. From understanding unique requirements to recommending the ideal film for your project, we are committed to our customers, dealers and installers to make transforming spaces seamless and gratifying.



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We don't just deliver film. We offer value-added services so that our dealers can get their job done with the highest quality.


    Accent Distributing in partnership with 3M work consistently on lead generation tactics to pass onto our Dealer Network. Our goal is for you to succeed.


    Our installation training programs are all about hands-on learning. We're committed to keeping you at the forefront of the latest installation techniques.


    Dealers are an integral part of our family. We take pride in going above and beyond to support you, because exceptional service is what sets us apart.


To Our Dealers

Accent Distributing is a master 3M Authorized Distributor with more than 25 years’ experience in the industry with headquarters in both Sarasota, Florida and Houston, Texas.

At Accent Distributing, we take great pride in serving as a "value added" distributor. We provide our dealers with sales leads, sales promotions, manufacturer incentive programs, co-op advertising programs, new product launches and warranty processing services. All are designed to help 3M Authorized Dealers throughout our territory.

We are dedicated to fulfilling the needs of our dealers and customers by striving to provide the utmost in customer service.

group of male and female professionals learning how to install wrap film on vehicles and commercial windows


Send In Your Order 1 of 5 Ways

  • Call In Your Order

    Sarasota: 941-922-5268
    Houston: 713-956-1165
    Phoenix: 480-674-4242
  • Text In Your Order

    Sarasota: 941-779-8978
    Houston: 713-573-8074
  • Fax Your Order

    Sarasota: 941-296-7353
    Houston: 713-956-1014


Testimonials From Our Current Dealers

"I have worked with Accent for over 15 years... I personally find it amazing that I have the opportunity to see the same faces now that I did then. That is a true testament to a well-run organization. It’s a pleasure to be part of their team."

Merryl Koven, Sales Manager, Suncoast Window Films & Graphics, Sarasota, FL

"Wow! It’s been super awesome to work with Accent Distributing. They work together as a team, show real investment in your company and respond with help immediately. From personnel to management, everyone is very friendly and ready to help.... We are so blessed to work with Accent Distributing and 3M. We have teamed up with the best."

Sally Fletcher, President, Fletch Window Tint, San Antonio, TX

"It was eight years ago this summer when I realized I couldn’t sell ‘the best’ of another manufacturer’s product and that I’ve never met a broke 3M Dealer. Changing to 3M has changed my customer base and business outlook and my life. Accent Distributing has made this possible with Inside Sales support, assisting with co-op credit and the day to day questions that arise. Most importantly, the entire staff has become our friends and business partners.”

– Jim Luck, Owner, Window Tint USA, West Palm Beach, FL

“We invest a lot in networking and it makes a big difference when you walk in wearing a 3M logo...We’re known as the 3M people. The 3M logo carries us far because people know we’ve got the good stuff.”

Pam Weakley, Owner, SolarTech Glass Tinting & Graphics, Memphis, TN

“Whether solar, security or decorative, it really comes down to 3M having a more robust product portfolio than its competitors.”

James Beale, Managing Partner, NGS Films and Graphics, Atlanta, GA

dealers in a training room


Installer Training