3M™ Dichroic Glass Finishes

Add Color-Shifting Effect to Any Glass Surface

Transform ordinary glass surfaces into striking, color-shifting displays with 3M Dichroic Glass Finishes. This innovative multilayer optical film technology creates dynamic, ever-changing hues that shift depending on the viewing angle. Available in both cool and warm tones, this finish delivers a bold, unexpected design element that enhances any space with modern sophistication.

  • Multilayer Optical Technology: Offers a unique, high-end look with light-reflecting properties.
  • Versatile Design Options: Available in cool and warm tones to complement various aesthetics.
  • Cost-Effective Alternative: Achieves the look of dichroic glass without the high cost of specialty glass.
  • Customizable Design: Can be cut, patterned, or bent to seamlessly fit nearly any glass surface.

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